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Citizenship Today Global Perspectives and Practices by Aleinikoff, Thomas Alexande... ISBN: 9780870031847 List Price: $24.95
Issues Before the Seventeenth General Assembly: International Conciliation, No. 539, Septemb... by Carnegie Endowment Internat... ISBN: 9781258748258 List Price: $27.95
Issues Before the Tenth General Assembly: International Conciliation, No. 504, September, 1955 by Carnegie Endowment Internat... ISBN: 9781258748203 List Price: $26.95
The International Law of the Future, Postulates, Principles, Proposals: International Concil... by Carnegie Endowment Internat... ISBN: 9781258738044 List Price: $25.95
Universities Committee on Post-War International Problems: International Conciliation, No. 4... by Carnegie Endowment Internat... ISBN: 9781258736613 List Price: $21.95
Egypt And The United Nations: National Studies On International Organization by Carnegie Endowment Internat... ISBN: 9781258590581 List Price: $29.95
American Labor in a Changing World Economy by Morehouse, Ward, Carnegie E... ISBN: 9780030452819
The reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907: being the official explanatory and in... by International Peace Confere... ISBN: 9781172774890 List Price: $63.75
The Sino-Japanese negotiations of 1915; Japanese and Chinese documents and Chinese official ... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781178389272 List Price: $18.75
Notes on Sovereignty From the Standpoint of the State and of the World by Lansing, Robert, Carnegie E... ISBN: 9781575885919 List Price: $89.95
Central America Anatomy of Conflict by Carnegie Endowment for Inte... ISBN: 9780080309507 List Price: $40.00
Documents Relating to the Program of the First Hague Peace Conference, Laid Before the Confe... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781175630605 List Price: $20.75
Inter-Americ : A Monthly That Links the Thought of the New World, Volume 4 by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781175736451 List Price: $35.75
Consortium : The Official Text of the Four-power Agreement for A Loan to China and Relevant ... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781178479690 List Price: $18.75
Inter-Americ : A Monthly That Links the Thought of the New World, Volume 2 by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781178532562 List Price: $34.75
Instructions to the American Delegates to the Hague Conferences and Their Official Reports by United States. Dept. Of Sta... ISBN: 9781173622787 List Price: $21.75
Consortium; the Official Text of the Four-Power Agreement for a Loan to China and Relevant D... by Carnegie Endowment for Inte... ISBN: 9781178389289 List Price: $18.75
Consortium; the Official Text of the Four-Power Agreement for a Loan to China and Relevant D... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781171833406 List Price: $18.75
Controversy over Neutral Rights Between the United States and France, 1797-1800; a Collectio... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781171839217 List Price: $40.75
American Foreign Policy : Based upon Statements of Presidents and Secretaries of State of th... by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781171932833 List Price: $21.75
International Conciliation by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781172285402 List Price: $40.75
International Conciliation by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781172365609 List Price: $34.75
International Conciliation by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781172366316 List Price: $37.75
International Conciliation by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781172364923 List Price: $28.75
International Conciliation by Carnegie Endowment For Inte... ISBN: 9781172368709 List Price: $46.75
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